A Moment Defined By A Point And A Line (2010)
James Clar is an American visual artist who uses technology as a medium to critique the dissociative affects of technology itself.
James Clar, media art, lighting art, light art, pop art, interactive art, led art, minimal, installation, 3d cube, jamesclar, light and space, new media, American visual artist, medium, dissociative, disruptive technology, technology

A Moment Defined By A Point And A Line


30 cm x 42 cm x 20 cm
Acrylic, CCFL


The works in this series visualize the historical assassination of Malcolm X, King Faisal, and Amadou Diallo. They reduce a pivotal moment in history to basic math – the point of impact for each bullet and the angle of trajectory – displayed as lines of light intersecting a clear acrylic block.


Malcolm X was shot 15 times during one of his speeches on black nationalism. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was shot in the head by his nephew twice, in what is believed to be a CIA driven assassination. Guinean immigrant, Amadou Diallo, was living in the NYC metro area when he was shot at 41 times by police with 19 of the bullets hitting him, all policemen involved were found not guilty to manslaughter. All three men were Muslim.


This series asks the viewer to consider the cultural impact each of these people had in their time and the lasting effects they have in present day society. It asks the question – how would the media portray them if their killings took place today?