Foreigner (2018)
James Clar is an American visual artist who uses technology as a medium to critique the dissociative affects of technology itself.
James Clar, media art, lighting art, light art, pop art, interactive art, led art, minimal, installation, 3d cube, jamesclar, light and space, new media, American visual artist, medium, dissociative, disruptive technology, technology


cloth, fans, 3D milled astronaut, LEDs, filters, plants, crickets
3m x 3m x 8m

Depicting first contact of a humanoid form on a foreign land or planet. Using theatrical systems, the installation visualizes a possible scenario as a encapsulated film setting. A large cloth background in the 16:9 ratio of film ripples through a fan system. Waves of colored light flow through it, visualizing the atmospheric winds of the planet. A lone astronaut stands in front, stretched and distorted from the variance of gravity. From the astronaut hangs a parachute made from reflective mylar. And at the end of the parachute is a satellite form made of light and metal. Live crickets hidden among the alien plants generate random sounds, hinting at the organic life forms while communicating in an uninterpretable language.
“Wavelength” at Powerlong Museum, Shanghai