Iron Fist (2010)
James Clar is an American visual artist who uses technology as a medium to critique the dissociative affects of technology itself.
James Clar, media art, lighting art, light art, pop art, interactive art, led art, minimal, installation, 3d cube, jamesclar, light and space, new media, American visual artist, medium, dissociative, disruptive technology, technology

Iron Fist


50 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm
Chrome plated GRP, TV, DVD player, two-way mirror


A giant fist, cast in chrome, sits on top of a screen that continuously scrolls flags from different countries. The fist is enclosed in a reflective mirror box, causing the colors and shapes from the flags to wrap around the fist.


Every country has rules imposed upon their citizens. The fist represents the force behind these rules, morphing in color and pattern to reflect the flags as they scroll underneath.