Space Is A Hologram (2014)
James Clar is an American visual artist who uses technology as a medium to critique the dissociative affects of technology itself.
James Clar, media art, lighting art, light art, pop art, interactive art, led art, minimal, installation, 3d cube, jamesclar, light and space, new media, American visual artist, medium, dissociative, disruptive technology, technology

Space Is A Hologram


LED Lights, Filters, Wire
105cm x 120cm


Space Is A Hologram (2014) is premised on the idea of the “space pixel”. A strand of scientific research proposes that the universe’s information may be contained in the same way as pixels on a screen and that the natural “pixel size” of space is roughly 10 trillion trillion times smaller than an atom. Our notions of space and form are thus collapsed into a two-dimensional hologram. Through simple lines of light and color, the work suggests the planes of a three-dimensional cube, prompting the optical illusion of a real spatial cube. The simplicity of triggering this jump between two and three-dimensionality, encourages us to think that perhaps it is not so great a leap to perceive of our reality (3D) experience as conjured from a 2D hologram.